A couple of years ago I made a light re-design of the Mini Moke, as it is a car that I have strong emotional connections with. I grew up in Colombia and my parents owned one of the few Mini Mokes there. We had many adventures with that little car and it was the car I learnt to drive in, as well as pass my driving test in. It seemed an ideal candidate to re-make as a plywood and Balsa wood re-design. However, I was very faithful to the original design, and as a designer it felt as though I had not really attempted a new take on this little car. So, I gave myself the challenge to do my own design. I have provisionally called it the Remoke 2, but am thinking of better names for it. The idea for this version would be that it would be built out of Bio Epoxy and Flax/bamboo fibre composite. I am also looking at using a Small rotary engine which is hydrogen powered using Power paste. This is a new type of fuel that releases hydrogen. Hydrogen has the advantage that it does not produce CO2 emissions, so is a a good alternative to electric power. I could also use compressed Air and an air driven motor. Again this is something that merits further research. Although I would also consider using Electric power too. If hydrogen or air powered, it would be front wheel drive. If electric, it would be four wheel drive. If hydrogen or air powered, I have considered using a rotary (non Wankel) engine, which would be compact and light. A perfect little beach car, that also might be fun in town.

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